The Florida State University Law Review welcomes unsolicited manuscripts on topics of interest to the legal profession. The Law Review acknowledges that unsolicited manuscripts may be submitted to other journals. All articles will be evaluated as expeditiously as possible, but please submit an expedite request to the journal if necessary. The Law Review gives great deference to an author’s work, but it reserves the right to determine the final form in which articles will be published.
The Florida State University Law Review accepts manuscripts from all areas of legal scholarship. Manuscripts should closely conform to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (21st ed.). Submissions for both our print and online publication are currently closed and will re-open for submissions in early 2025. Any questions regarding the submissions process may be directed to Executive Article Selection Editor, Monique Clayton, at [email protected]. Submissions sent outside of our article selection period will not be considered and must be re-submitted when our period re-opens. Our website and Scholastica will be updated when our application periods re-opens.
New Submissions
Submissions are strongly preferred through the Scholastica submission service.
Manuscripts may also be submitted directly by email to Monique Clayton, Executive Article Selection Editor.
Manuscripts may also be submitted by mail, using the following address:
Florida State University Law Review
College of Law
425 W. Jefferson Street, Ausley House
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-1601
Attn: Article Submission